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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
  • Zahra Ebadinejad, Maryam Rassouli, Ali Fakhr Movahedi. Exploration of the Strategies of Iranian Nurses in Providing Palliative Care to Children with Cancer: A Qualitative Study. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S1-S6
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  • Ahmet Seven, Havva Sert. Anxiety, Dyspnea Management, and Quality of Life in Palliative Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S13-S21
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  • Selma Durmuş Sarıkahya, Dilek Gelin, Sevil Çınar Özbay, Yalçın Kanbay. Experiences and Practices of Nurses Providing Palliative and End-of-Life Care to Oncology Patients: A Phenomenological Study. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S22-S30
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  • Maide Nur Keleş, Taghreed Salameh, Memnun Seven. Quality of Life of Caregivers of Women Receiving Cancer Treatment in Turkey. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S31-S37
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  • Johanna E Maree, Samuel A M Bingo, Owens Mgawi. Palliative Nursing in Africa: Scoping the Landscape of Evidence Focusing on Cancer Care. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S38-S44
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  • Michael Silbermann. Middle East Cancer Consortium-Development of Palliative Care Services for Cancer Patients. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S45-S51
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  • Gülbeyaz Can. Development of Cancer Palliative Care in Turkey. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S52-S58
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  • Seckin Erdal, Elif Naz Arslan, Mehmet Sahir Tandoruk. Palliative Care in Patients with Hematological Malignancies. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S59-S65
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  • Şenay Şener, Yurdanur Dikmen. Attitudes and Behaviors of Palliative Care Nurses on Euthanasia. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S66-S70
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  • Merve Hörmet İğde, Özlem Oruç, Vildan Kocatepe. The Correlation of Malnutrition with Mortality and Morbidity According to Global Initiative on Malnutrition Criteria in the Palliative Care Unit. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (Supp1): S7-S12
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  • Kamaruddeen Mannethodi, Nesiya Hassan, Jibin Kunjavara, Ederlie Encarnacion Pitiquen, George Joy, Badriya Al-Lenjawi. Research Self-Efficacy and Research-Related Behavior Among Nurses in Qatar: A Cross-Sectional Study. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (3): 138-144
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  • Özlem Şahin Altun, Duygu Özer, Zeynep Güngör, Fatih Şahin. Investigation of the Relationship Between Internalized Stigma and Happiness Levels of Individuals Diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Florence Nightingale journal of nursing. 2023, 31 (3): 145-151
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