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  • Abraham K Badu-Tawiah. The Growing Influence of Mass Spectrometry in Measurement Science. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (6): 390-392
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  • Nabajyoti Kalita, Sudarshan Gogoi, Shelley D Minteer, Pranab Goswami. Advances in Bioelectrode Design for Developing Electrochemical Biosensors. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (6): 404-433
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  • Priyanka Dey. Aiming for Maximized and Reproducible Enhancements in the Obstacle Race of SERS. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (6): 434-443
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  • Marco Mancini, Valentina Gioia, Federica Simonetti, Alessandro Frugis, Stefano Cinti. Evaluation of Pure PFAS Decrease in Controlled Settings. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (6): 444-451
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  • Michael Hlavatsch, Andrea Teuber, Max Eisele, Boris Mizaikoff. Sensing Liquid- and Gas-Phase Hydrocarbons via Mid-Infrared Broadband Femtosecond Laser Source Spectroscopy. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (6): 452-458
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  • Steven Kutarna, Wanzhen Chen, Ying Xiong, Runzeng Liu, Yufeng Gong, Hui Peng. Screening of Indoor Transformation Products of Organophosphates and Organophosphites with an in Silico Spectral Database. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (6): 469-478
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  • A Catarina V D Dos Santos, Nikolaus Hondl, Victoria Ramos-Garcia, Julia Kuligowski, Bernhard Lendl, Georg Ramer. AFM-IR for Nanoscale Chemical Characterization in Life Sciences: Recent Developments and Future Directions. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (5): 301-314
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  • Ruby M Miller, Jennifer Sescil, Marina C Sarcinella, Ryan C Bailey, Wenjing Wang. Accessible and Generalizable in Vitro Luminescence Assay for Detecting GPCR Activation. ACS measurement science au. 2023, 3 (5): 337-343
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