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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders

Published By SAGE Publishing

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders
  • Sinah Engel, Luisa Klotz, Timo Wirth, Ann-Katrin Fleck, Geethanjali Pickert, Melanie Eschborn, Samia Kreuzburg, Valentina Curella, Stefan Bittner, Frauke Zipp, Detlef Schuppan, Felix Luessi. Attenuation of immune activation in patients with multiple sclerosis on a wheat-reduced diet: a pilot crossover trial. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231170928
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  • Marco Puthenparampil, Marta Gaggiola, Alessandro Miscioscia, Valentina Annamaria Mauceri, Federica De Napoli, Giovanni Zanotelli, Mariagiulia Anglani, Margherita Nosadini, Stefano Sartori, Paola Perini, Francesca Rinaldi, Paolo Gallo. Alemtuzumab following natalizumab is more effective in adult-onset than paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231177196
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  • Karl Hartmann, Belal Neyazi, Klaus-Peter Stein, Aiden Haghikia, I Erol Sandalcioglu. Is the central nervous system enclosed by a mesothel? Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231180335
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  • Melanie Haidegger, Simon Lindenbeck, Edith Hofer, Christina Rodler, Robert Zweiker, Sabine Perl, Lukas Pirpamer, Markus Kneihsl, Simon Fandler-Höfler, Thomas Gattringer, Christian Enzinger, Reinhold Schmidt. Arterial stiffness and its influence on cerebral morphology and cognitive function. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231180715
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  • Martin Šubert, Michal Novotný, Tereza Tykalová, Barbora Srpová, Lucie Friedová, Tomáš Uher, Dana Horáková, Jan Rusz. Lexical and syntactic deficits analyzed via automated natural language processing: the new monitoring tool in multiple sclerosis. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231180719
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  • Antonios Bayas, Achim Berthele, Norbert Blank, Peter Dreger, Simon Faissner, Manuel A Friese, Lisa-Ann Gerdes, Oliver Martin Grauer, Vivien Häussler, Christoph Heesen, Dietlinde Janson, Mirjam Korporal-Kuhnke, Markus Kowarik, Nikolaus Kröger, Jan D Lünemann, Roland Martin, Uwe Meier, Sven Meuth, Paolo Muraro, Michael Platten, Lucas Schirmer, Klarissa Hanja Stürner, Jan Patrick Stellmann, Christof Scheid, Florian Then Bergh, Clemens Warnke, Brigitte Wildemann, Tjalf Ziemssen. Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis: a position paper and registry outline. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231180730
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  • Ralf Gold, Michael Barnett, Andrew Chan, Huiyu Feng, Kazuo Fujihara, Gavin Giovannoni, Xavier Montalbán, Fu-Dong Shi, Mar Tintoré, Qun Xue, Chunsheng Yang, Hongyu Zhou. Clinical use of dimethyl fumarate in multiple sclerosis treatment: an update to include China, using a modified Delphi method. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231180734
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  • Nicolas Mercure-Corriveau, Shuvro Roy, Chen Hu, Elizabeth P Crowe, Xianming Zhu, Danielle Obando, Eshan U Patel, Aaron A R Tobian, Yujie Wang, Evan M Bloch, Scott D Newsome. Therapeutic plasma exchange in the management of stiff person syndrome spectrum disorders: a case series and review of the literature. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231180736
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  • Bitao Bu, Chao Quan, Wenyu Li, Qiuming Zeng, Ziyan Shi, Bo Chen, Lei Zhou, Luya Jin, Hongyu Zhou, Huan Yang. The effectiveness of teriflunomide in patients with multiple sclerosis in China: a real-world comparison to no DMT treatment in the first year after diagnosis. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231181170
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  • Ichiro Nakashima, Jin Nakahara, Hiroaki Yokote, Yasuhiro Manabe, Kazumi Okamura, Kou Hasegawa, Kazuo Fujihara. Long-term safety and effectiveness of eculizumab in patients with aquaporin-4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: a 2-year interim analysis of post-marketing surveillance in Japan. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231181177
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  • Jiahao Meng, Zeya Yan, Jie Zhang, Wei Wang, Xinyu Tao, Feng Gu, Xingyu Yang, Tao Xue, Wanchun You, Zhouqing Chen, Zhong Wang, Gang Chen. Comparative efficacy and safety of various mechanical thrombectomy strategies for patients with acute ischemic stroke: a Bayesian network meta-analysis. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231181180
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  • Md Nur Ahad Shah, Toshifumi Yokota. Cardiac therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231182934
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  • Diego Centonze, Maria Pia Amato, Vincenzo Brescia Morra, Eleonora Cocco, Nicola De Stefano, Claudio Gasperini, Paolo Gallo, Carlo Pozzilli, Maria Trojano, Massimo Filippi. Multiple sclerosis patients treated with cladribine tablets: expert opinion on practical management after year 4. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231183221
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  • Aleksi J Sihvonen, Sini M Laakso, Olli Tynninen, Heikki Saaren-Seppälä, Mervi Löfberg. Complete remission of central nervous system manifestations of IgG4-related disease with rituximab - a case report. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231186091
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  • Wenyan Shi, Hanlin Sun, Wei Peng, Ziyi Chen, Qun Wang, Weihong Lin, Meiping Ding, Hongbin Sun, Xiangqing Wang, Tiancheng Wang, Xuefeng Wang, Yonghong Liu, Yangmei Chen, Guoxing Zhu, Dong Zhou, Jinmei Li. Prevalence and risk factors of anxiety and depression in adult patients with epilepsy: a multicenter survey-based study. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders. 2023, 16: 17562864231187194
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