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  • Andy T Clark, David Marchfield, Zheng Cao, Tong Dang, Nan Tang, Dustin Gilbert, Elise A Corbin, Kristen S Buchanan, Xuemei M Cheng. The effect of polymer stiffness on magnetization reversal of magnetorheological elastomers. APL materials. 2022, 10 (4):
    Cited : 5
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  • Georges Pavlidis, Jeffrey J Schwartz, Joseph Matson, Thomas Folland, Song Liu, James H Edgar, Josh D Caldwell, Andrea Centrone. Experimental confirmation of long hyperbolic polariton lifetimes in monoisotopic (B) hexagonal boron nitride at room temperature. APL materials. 2021, 9 (9):
    Cited : 17
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  • Nicholas J Rommelfanger, Guosong Hong. On the feasibility of wireless radio frequency ablation using nanowire antennas. APL materials. 2021, 9 (7): 071103
    Cited : 5
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  • Kamyar Shirvanimoghaddam, Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Ram Yadav, Adil K Al-Tamimi, Minoo Naebe. Fight against COVID-19: The case of antiviral surfaces. APL materials. 2021, 9 (3): 031112
    Cited : 64
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  • Louis-Vincent Delumeau, Hatameh Asgarimoghaddam, Tamiru Alkie, Alexander James Bryan Jones, Samantha Lum, Kissan Mistry, Marc G Aucoin, Stephanie DeWitte-Orr, Kevin P Musselman. Effectiveness of antiviral metal and metal oxide thin-film coatings against human coronavirus 229E. APL materials. 2021, 9 (11): 111114
    Cited : 21
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  • Krishnan Thyagarajan, Rene A Lujan, Qian Wang, JengPing Lu, Sivkheng Kor, Bruce Kakimoto, Norine Chang, Julie A Bert. Micro-coil probes for magnetic intracortical neural stimulation: Trade-offs in materials and design. APL materials. 2021, 9 (1): 011102
    Cited : 4
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  • C Jiang, S R de Rijk, G G Malliaras, M L Bance. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of human cochleas for modeling cochlear implant electrical stimulus spread. APL materials. 2020, 8 (9): 091102
    Cited : 16
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  • Ting-Yen Wei, Warren C Ruder. Engineering control circuits for molecular robots using synthetic biology. APL materials. 2020, 8 (10): 101104
    Cited : 4
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  • Faheem Ershad, Kyoseung Sim, Anish Thukral, Yu Shrike Zhang, Cunjiang Yu. Invited Article: Emerging soft bioelectronics for cardiac health diagnosis and treatment. APL materials. 2019, 7 (3): 031301
    Cited : 39
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  • Brian S Holinsworth, Nathan C Harms, Shiyu Fan, Dipanjan Mazumdar, Arun Gupta, Stephen A McGill, Janice L Musfeldt. Magnetic field control of charge excitations in CoFeO. APL materials. 2018, 6 (6): 066110
    Cited : 3
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  • Jiajia Xue, Tong Wu, Younan Xia. Perspective: Aligned arrays of electrospun nanofibers for directing cell migration. APL materials. 2018, 6 (12):
    Cited : 43
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  • J A Liddle, B D Hoskins, A E Vladár, J S Villarrubia. Electron beam-based metrology after CMOS. APL materials. 2018, 6:
    Cited : 5
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  • Jun Li, Xudong Wang. Research Update: Materials design of implantable nanogenerators for biomechanical energy harvesting. APL materials. 2017, 5 (7):
    Cited : 68
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  • Xuhui Ning, Chuanqi Peng, Eric S. Li, Jing Xu, Rodrigo D. Vinluan III, Mengxiao Yu, Jie Zheng. Physiological stability and renal clearance of ultrasmall zwitterionic gold nanoparticles: Ligand length matters. APL materials. 2017, 5 (5):
    Cited : 54
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  • Md Rezaul Hasan, Ting Xie, Sara C Barron, Guannan Liu, Nhan V Nguyen, Abhishek Motayed, Mulpuri V Rao, Ratan Debnath. Self-powered p-NiO/n-ZnO heterojunction ultraviolet photodetectors fabricated on plastic substrates. APL materials. 2015, 3 (10):
    Cited : 109
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