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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
  • K Mikami, T Nishikawa, Y Tamura, A Kumagai. Inter-relationship of sympathetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in three renin subgroups of borderline and persistent essential hypertension. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1091-107
    Cited : 2
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  • S G Chrysant, T M Luu, K Danisa. Hemodynamic correlates of autonomic reflexes in patients with labile and fixed hypertension. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1109-19
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  • T Ogihara, A Maruyama, T Hata, S Imanaka, Y Kumahara, K Matsumiya, H Ihara, S Sagawa. A case of normoreninemic, normotensive primary aldosteronism associated with essential hypertension and nephrocalcinosis. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1121-32
    Cited : 10
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  • M Morris, D K Sundberg. Neurohypophyseal dopamine biosynthesis in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1165-81
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  • K D Kurz, J A Johnson, W L Fowler, S Siripaisarnpipat, C G Payne. Absence of an antihypertensive effect of 12 hour infusions of an angiotensin antagonist in chronic renal hypertensive rabbits. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1195-205
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  • R G ten Berg, F P Nijkamp, W de Jong, G de Groot, R A Maes. Development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats after gonadectomy: effects of secobarbital anesthesia on the blood pressure. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1207-17
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  • J M Ledingham, F O Simpson. Effect of captopril on blood pressure, total body sodium and fluid consumption of genetically hypertensive (GH) and normotensive (N) rats. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (6): 1239-63
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  • J P Buckley, M F Lokhandwala, M Steenberg, J S Francis, A S Tadepalli. Cardiovascular effects of chronic intraventricular administration of angiotensin II in dogs. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 1001-18
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  • D C Eikenburg, R D Ekas, M F Lokhandwala. Strain differences in the facilitatory action of angiotensin on noradrenergic transmission in the rat mesentery. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 1039-51
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  • T Okuno, H Suzuki, T Saruta. Dexamethasone hypertension in rats. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 1075-86
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  • S Gitlow, S Dziedzic, L Dziedzic, I Roubein. Metabolism of D, L-3H-norepinephrine in essential hypertension. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 897-918
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  • P Jaeger, R Fawer, H R Brunner, M Monti, F Regli, J L Schelling. Immersion and venous occlusion plethysmography in patients with idiopathic orthostatic hypotension. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 919-27
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  • P H Vlasses, H Koffer, R K Ferguson, P J Green, G E McElwain. Captopril withdrawal after chronic therapy. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 929-37
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  • T Fujita, N Yamashita, K Yamashita. Effect of indomethacin on antihypertensive action of captopril in hypertensive patients. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 939-52
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  • J T Crofton, L Share, P G Baer, C M Allen, B C Wang. Vasopressin secretion in the New Zealand genetically hypertensive rat. Clinical and experimental hypertension. 1981, 3 (5): 975-89
    Cited : 6
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