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Published By Taylor & Francis Group

  • Huan-Lei Liu, Hao Nan, Wan-Wen Zhao, Xiang-Bo Wan, Xin-Juan Fan. Phase separation in DNA double-strand break response. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2024, 15 (1): 2296243
    Cited : 4
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  • Hui Zhang, Weihua Qin, Hector Romero, Heinrich Leonhardt, M Cristina Cardoso. Heterochromatin organization and phase separation. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2159142
    Cited : 16
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  • Amandine Barral, Jérôme Déjardin. The chromatin signatures of enhancers and their dynamic regulation. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2160551
    Cited : 11
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  • Anna A Kiseleva, Yu-Chia Cheng, Cheryl L Smith, Richard A Katz, Andrey Poleshko. PRR14 organizes H3K9me3-modified heterochromatin at the nuclear lamina. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2165602
    Cited : 9
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  • Kangjing Chen, Junjie Yuan, Youyang Sia, Zhucheng Chen. Mechanism of action of the SWI/SNF family complexes. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2165604
    Cited : 15
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  • Katharina S Keuenhof, Verena Kohler, Filomena Broeskamp, Dimitra Panagaki, Sean D Speese, Sabrina Büttner, Johanna L Höög. Nuclear envelope budding and its cellular functions. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2178184
    Cited : 7
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  • Yu Tang. Plant nuclear envelope as a hub connecting genome organization with regulation of gene expression. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2178201
    Cited : 5
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  • Ling Cai, Gang Greg Wang. Through the lens of phase separation: intrinsically unstructured protein and chromatin looping. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2179766
    Cited : 7
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  • Melanie Wallace, Gregory R Fedorchak, Richa Agrawal, Rachel M Gilbert, Jineet Patel, Sangwoo Park, Matthew Paszek, Jan Lammerding. The lamin A/C Ig-fold undergoes cell density-dependent changes that alter epitope binding. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2180206
    Cited : 3
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  • Sofie S Schmøkel, Iver Nordentoft, Sia V Lindskrog, Philippe Lamy, Michael Knudsen, Jørgen Bjerggaard Jensen, Lars Dyrskjøt. Improved protocol for single-nucleus RNA-sequencing of frozen human bladder tumor biopsies. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2186686
    Cited : 2
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  • Priyojit Das, Rebeca San Martin, Rachel Patton McCord. Differential contributions of nuclear lamina association and genome compartmentalization to gene regulation. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2197693
    Cited : 5
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  • Jeanae M Kaneshiro, Juliana S Capitanio, Martin W Hetzer. Lamin B1 overexpression alters chromatin organization and gene expression. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2202548
    Cited : 5
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  • Rajat Mann, Dimple Notani. Transcription factor condensates and signaling driven transcription. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2205758
    Cited : 9
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  • Justin Demmerle, Siyuan Hao, Danfeng Cai. Transcriptional condensates and phase separation: condensing information across scales and mechanisms. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2213551
    Cited : 11
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  • Shumin Xiao, Yajing Wang, Shan Shan, Zheng Zhou. The interplay between viral molecular mimicry and host chromatin dynamics. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2023, 14 (1): 2216560
    Cited : 2
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