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Gut Microbes

Published By Taylor & Francis Group

  • Mengfan Ding, Bowen Li, Haiqin Chen, Dong Liang, R Paul Ross, Catherine Stanton, Jianxin Zhao, Wei Chen, Bo Yang. Human breastmilk-derived subsp. CCFM1269 regulates bone formation by the GH/IGF axis through PI3K/AKT pathway. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2290344
    Cited : 3
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  • Germaine J M Yong, Cara E Porsche, Alexandra R Sitarik, Kei E Fujimura, Kathryn McCauley, Dat T Nguyen, Albert M Levin, Kimberley J Woodcroft, Dennis R Ownby, Andrew G Rundle, Christine C Johnson, Andrea Cassidy-Bushrow, Susan V Lynch. Precocious infant fecal microbiome promotes enterocyte barrier dysfuction, altered neuroendocrine signaling and associates with increased childhood obesity risk. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2290661
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  • Yaa F Abu, Salma Singh, Junyi Tao, Irina Chupikova, Praveen Singh, Jingjing Meng, Sabita Roy. Opioid-induced dysbiosis of maternal gut microbiota during gestation alters offspring gut microbiota and pain sensitivity. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2292224
    Cited : 1
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  • Susanne Pinto, Elisa Benincà, Gianluca Galazzo, Daisy Jonkers, John Penders, Johannes A Bogaards. Heterogeneous associations of gut microbiota with Crohn's disease activity. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2292239
    Cited : 3
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  • Xuangao Wu, Ting Zhang, TianShun Zhang, Sunmin Park. The impact of gut microbiome enterotypes on ulcerative colitis: identifying key bacterial species and revealing species co-occurrence networks using machine learning. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2292254
    Cited : 7
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  • Gabriela Leite, Juliana de Freitas Germano, Walter Morales, Stacy Weitsman, Gillian M Barlow, Gonzalo Parodi, Maya L Pimentel, Maria Jesus Villanueva-Millan, Maritza Sanchez, Sarah Ayyad, Ali Rezaie, Ruchi Mathur, Mark Pimentel. Cytolethal distending toxin B inoculation leads to distinct gut microtypes and IBS-D-like microRNA-mediated gene expression changes in a rodent model. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2293170
    Cited : 2
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  • Camille Martin-Gallausiaux, Laurène Salesse, Diego Garcia-Weber, Ludovica Marinelli, Fabienne Beguet-Crespel, Vincent Brochard, Camille Le Gléau, Alexandre Jamet, Joël Doré, Hervé M Blottière, Cécile Arrieumerlou, Nicolas Lapaque. promotes inflammatory and anti-apoptotic responses in colorectal cancer cells via ADP-heptose release and ALPK1/TIFA axis activation. Gut microbes. 2024, 16 (1): 2295384
    Cited : 4
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  • Lauren Walsh, Colin Hill, R Paul Ross. Impact of glyphosate (Roundup) on the composition and functionality of the gut microbiome. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2263935
    Cited : 6
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  • Xiaotong Hu, Xiaolu Sun, Ya Zhao, Changjie Iv, Xiaomei Sun, Meilin Jin, Qiang Zhang. GlcNac produced by the gut microbiome enhances host influenza resistance by modulating NK cells. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2271620
    Cited : 2
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  • Dorota Kujawa, Lukasz Laczmanski, Slawomir Budrewicz, Anna Pokryszko-Dragan, Maria Podbielska. Targeting gut microbiota: new therapeutic opportunities in multiple sclerosis. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2274126
    Cited : 4
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  • Dongxiao Liang, Han Liu, Ruoqi Jin, Renyi Feng, Jiuqi Wang, Chi Qin, Rui Zhang, Yongkang Chen, Jingwen Zhang, Junfang Teng, Beisha Tang, Xuebing Ding, Xuejing Wang. triggers α-synuclein pathology in the transgenic mouse model of PD. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2276296
    Cited : 2
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  • Dongqin Zhou, Yongsheng Li. Gut microbiota and tumor-associated macrophages: potential in tumor diagnosis and treatment. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2276314
    Cited : 2
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  • A Krawczyk, T Gosiewski, B Zapała, K Kowalska-Duplaga, D Salamon. Alterations in intestinal Archaea composition in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease based on next-generation sequencing - a pilot study. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2276806
    Cited : 2
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  • Wangdi Song, Yunyun Wang, Gongcheng Li, Shengnan Xue, Genlin Zhang, Yanyan Dang, Hebin Wang. Modulating the gut microbiota is involved in the effect of low-molecular-weight polysaccharide on immune function. Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2276814
    Cited : 5
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  • Yangwenshan Ou, Eline Rots, Clara Belzer, Hauke Smidt, Carolina de Weerth. Gut microbiota and child behavior in early puberty: does child sex play a role? Gut microbes. 2023, 15 (2): 2278222
    Cited : 1
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