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New Genetics and Society

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN New Genetics and Society
  • Simon M Outram, Sara L Ackerman, Matthew Norstad, Barbara Koenig. The Challenge of Recruiting Diverse Populations into Health Research: An embedded social science perspective. New genetics and society. 2022, 41 (3): 216-226
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  • Jennifer Elyse James, Galen Joseph. "It's personalized, but it's still bucket based": The promise of personalized medicine vs. the reality of genomic risk stratification in a breast cancer screening trial. New genetics and society. 2022, 41 (3): 228-253
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  • Katherine Weatherford Darling, Michael Kohut, Susan Leeds, Eric C Anderson, Paul K J Han. "Doing Good" in U.S. Cancer Genomics? Valuation practices across the boundaries of research and care in rural community oncology. New genetics and society. 2022, 41 (3): 254-283
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  • Christi J Guerrini, Jorge L Contreras, Whitney Bash Brooks, Isabel Canfield, Meredith Trejo, Amy L McGuire. "Idealists and capitalists": ownership attitudes and preferences in genomic citizen science. New genetics and society. 2022, 41 (2): 74-95
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  • Deborah R Gordon, Barbara A Koenig. "If relatives inherited the gene, they should inherit the data." Bringing the family into the room where bioethics happens. New genetics and society. 2022, 41 (1): 23-46
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  • Brigitte Nerlich, Aleksandra Stelmach. Gene drive communication: exploring experts' lived experience of metaphor use. New genetics and society. 2022, 41 (1): 3-22
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  • Anne Kerr, Choon Key Chekar, Julia Swallow, Emily Ross, Sarah Cunningham-Burley. Accessing targeted therapies for cancer: self and collective advocacy alongside and beyond mainstream cancer charities. New genetics and society. 2021, 40 (1): 112-131
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  • Koichi Mikami. Citizens under the umbrella: citizenship projects and the development of genetic umbrella organizations in the USA and the UK. New genetics and society. 2020, 39 (2): 148-172
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  • Richard Milne. The rare and the common: scale and the genetic imaginary in Alzheimer's disease drug development. New genetics and society. 2020, 39 (1): 101-126
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  • Joanna Latimer, Alexandra Hillman. Biomarkers and brains: situating dementia in the laboratory and in the memory clinic. New genetics and society. 2020, 39 (1): 80-100
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  • Sonja Erikainen, Sarah Chan. Contested futures: envisioning "Personalized," "Stratified," and "Precision" medicine. New genetics and society. 2019, 38 (3): 308-330
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  • Adam L Horowitz, Aliya Saperstein, Jasmine Little, Martin Maiers, Jill A Hollenbach. Consumer (dis-)interest in Genetic Ancestry Testing: The roles of race, immigration, and ancestral certainty. New genetics and society. 2019, 38 (2): 165-194
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  • Anne Kerr, Julia Swallow, Choon Key Chekar, Sarah Cunningham-Burley. Genomic research and the cancer clinic: uncertainty and expectations in professional accounts. New genetics and society. 2019, 38 (2): 222-239
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  • Noémie Merleau-Ponty, Sigrid Vertommen, Michel Pucéat. "I6 passages: on the reproduction of a human embryonic stem cell line from Israel to France". New genetics and society. 2018, 37 (4): 338-361
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  • Emily Ross, Tineke Broer, Anne Kerr, Sarah Cunningham-Burley. Identity, community and care in online accounts of hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome. New genetics and society. 2018, 37 (2): 117-136
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