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  • Marietou Niang, Hassane Alami, Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Sophie Dupéré. A conceptualisation of scale-up and sustainability of social innovations in global health: a narrative review and integrative framework for action. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2230813
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  • Gilbert Tumwine, Per-Olof Östergren, Christina Gummesson, Anette Agardh. Assessing the effectiveness of a sexual and reproductive health and rights training programme in changing healthcare practitioners' attitudes and practices in low-income countries. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2230814
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  • Marie-Claude C Lavoie, Lillian Okui, Natalia Blanco, Kirsten Stoebenau, Jessica F Magidson, Gadzikanani Gokatweng, Kaizer Ikgopoleng, Manhattan E Charurat, Ndwapi Ndwapi. Feasibility and acceptability of peer-delivered interventions using mHealth for PrEP services among adolescent girls and young women in DREAMS program in Botswana. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2231256
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  • Sarah-Leah Eisenberg, Adam E Krieger. A comprehensive approach to optimizing malaria prevention in pregnant women: evaluating the efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and resistance of IPTp-SP and IPTp-DP. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2231257
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  • Tiffany E Gooden, Jingya Wang, Alessandra Carvalho Goulart, Ana C Varella, Meihui Tai, Vethanayagan Antony Sheron, Hao Wang, Hui Zhang, Jiaoyue Zhong, Balachandran Kumarendran, Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar, Rajendra Surenthirakumaran, Isabela M Bensenor, Yutao Guo, Gregory Y H Lip, G Neil Thomas, Semira Manaseki-Holland, . Generalisability of and lessons learned from a mixed-methods study conducted in three low- and middle-income countries to identify care pathways for atrial fibrillation. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2231763
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  • Evaldas Kazlauskas, Giedre Smailyte, Ingrida Domarkienė, Vaidutis Kučinskas, Aušra Matulevičienė, Ask Elklit, Gabrielė Žukauskaitė, Laima Ambrozaitytė. Psychological distress 35 years after the Chornobyl accident in the Lithuanian clean-up workers. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2233843
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  • Ashley Sheffel, Emily Carter, Debora Niyeha, Khadija I Yahya-Malima, Deogratius Malamsha, Shagihilu Shagihilu, Melinda K Munos. Exploring approaches to weighting estimates of facility readiness to provide health services used for estimating input-adjusted effective coverage: a case study using data from Tanzania. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2234750
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  • Clifford Oduor, Irene Omwenga, Alice Ouma, Robert Mutinda, Samwel Kiplangat, Ondari D Mogeni, Leonard Cosmas, Allan Audi, George S Odongo, David Obor, Robert Breiman, Joel Montgomery, George Agogo, Patrick Munywoki, Godfrey Bigogo, Jennifer R Verani. Mortality patterns over a 10-year period in Kibera, an urban informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, 2009-2018. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2238428
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  • Karla Kroflin, Mariana Gonzalez Utrilla, Michael Moore, Marta Lomazzi. Protecting the healthcare workers in low- and lower-middle-income countries through vaccination: barriers, leverages, and next steps. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2239031
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  • Florah Karimi, Marta Vicente-Crespo, Mercy Ndwiga, Naomi Njenga, Rita Karoki, Sharon Fonn. Resilience of research capacity strengthening initiatives in Africa during crises: the case of CARTA during COVID. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2240153
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  • Nagwa Farag Elmighrabi, Catharine A K Fleming, Mansi Vijaybhai Dhami, Kingsley E Agho. Childhood undernutrition in North Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2240158
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  • Kondwani Mpinga, Temusa Rukundo, Owen Mwale, Myrrah Kamwiyo, Limbani Thengo, Todd Ruderman, Beatrice Matanje, Fabien Munyaneza, Emilia Connolly, Kazione Kulisewa, Michael Udedi, Chiyembekezo Kachimanga, Luckson Dullie, Ryan McBain. Depressive disorder at the household level: prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms among household members. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2241808
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  • Geetesh Solanki, Emmanuelle Daviaud, Sue Fawcus, Vishal Brijlal, Tanya Doherty. Models using private general practitioners to provide caesarean deliveries at five South African district public hospitals: insights for public-private contracting for obstetric care in rural areas. Global health action. 2023, 16 (1): 2241811
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