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Methods in Ecology and Evolution

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SUBJECTS : Ecology | Evolutio

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  • Michael Dumelle, Matt Higham, Jay M Ver Hoef, Anthony R Olsen, Lisa Madsen. A comparison of design-based and model-based approaches for finite population spatial sampling and inference. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2022, 13 (9): 2018-2029
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  • Robin J Boyd, Gary D Powney, Fiona Burns, Alain Danet, François Duchenne, Matthew J Grainger, Susan G Jarvis, Gabrielle Martin, Erlend B Nilsen, Emmanuelle Porcher, Gavin B Stewart, Oliver J Wilson, Oliver L Pescott. ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2022, 13 (7): 1497-1507
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  • Florian H Hodel, John R Fieberg. Circular-linear copulae for animal movement data. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2022, 13 (5): 1001-1013
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  • Sebastian C Hancock, Franz Essl, Menno-Jan Kraak, Wayne Dawson, Holger Kreft, Petr Pyšek, Jan Pergl, Mark van Kleunen, Patrick Weigelt, Marten Winter, Georg Gartner, Bernd Lenzner. Introducing the combined atlas framework for large-scale web-based data visualization: The GloNAF atlas of plant invasion. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2022, 13 (5): 1073-1081
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  • Subhasis Ray, Mark A Stopfer. Argos: A toolkit for tracking multiple animals in complex visual environments. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2022, 13 (3): 585-595
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  • Phoebe R Maund, Jacob W Bentley, Gail E Austen, Katherine N Irvine, Robert Fish, Martin Dallimer, Zoe G Davies. The features and processes underpinning high-quality data generation in participatory research and engagement activities. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2022, 13 (1): 68-76
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  • Sara C Keen, Karan J Odom, Michael S Webster, Gregory M Kohn, Timothy F Wright, Marcelo Araya-Salas. A machine learning approach for classifying and quantifying acoustic diversity. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2021, 12 (7): 1213-1225
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  • Mathias Neumann, Michael J Lawes. Quantifying carbon in tree bark: The importance of bark morphology and tree size. Methods in ecology and evolution. 2021, 12 (4): 646-654
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