Samuel P Slowinski, JaeHoon Cho, McKenna J Penley, Laura W Alexander, Arielle B Greenberg, Sathvik R Namburar, Levi T Morran. High parasite virulence necessary for the maintenance of host outcrossing via parasite-mediated selection.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 371-378
Rahia Mashoodh, Angela T Trowsdale, Andrea Manica, Rebecca M Kilner. Parental care shapes the evolution of molecular genetic variation.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 379-388
Melanie Ghoul, Sandra B Andersen, Rasmus L Marvig, Helle K Johansen, Lars Jelsbak, Søren Molin, Gabriel Perron, Ashleigh S Griffin. Long-term evolution of antibiotic tolerance in lung infections.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 389-400
Kira E Delmore, Benjamin M Van Doren, Kristian Ullrich, Teja Curk, Henk P van der Jeugd, Miriam Liedvogel. Structural genomic variation and migratory behavior in a wild songbird.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 401-412
Kuangyi Xu, Maria R Servedio, Sarah K Winnicki, Csaba Moskat, Jeffrey P Hoover, Abbigail M Turner, Mark E Hauber. Host learning selects for the coevolution of greater egg mimicry and narrower antiparasitic egg-rejection thresholds.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 413-421
Jian-Feng Huang, Jenjira Fungjanthuek, Ming-Bo Chen, Gui-Xiang Liu, Yi-Yi Dong, Yan-Qiong Peng, Bo Wang, Simon T Segar. Pollinator sharing and hybridization in a pair of dioecious figs sheds light on the pathways to speciation.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 422-435
Selim Bouaouina, Yannick Chittaro, Yvonne Willi, Kay Lucek. Asynchronous life cycles contribute to reproductive isolation between two Alpine butterflies.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 436-446
Partha Pratim Chakraborty, Louis R Nemzer, Rees Kassen. Experimental evidence that network topology can accelerate the spread of beneficial mutations.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 447-456
Isabela do O, Michael C Whitlock. The evolution of genetic covariance and modularity as a result of multigenerational environmental fluctuation.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 457-466
Samuel V Hulse, Janis Antonovics, Michael E Hood, Emily L Bruns. Host-pathogen coevolution promotes the evolution of general, broad-spectrum resistance and reduces foreign pathogen spillover risk.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 467-477
Hwei-Yen Chen, Therese Krieg, Brian Mautz, Cécile Jolly, Douglas Scofield, Alexei A Maklakov, Simone Immler. Germline mutation rate is elevated in young and old parents in .Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (6): 478-489
Aidan W Short, Matthew A Streisfeld. Ancient hybridization leads to the repeated evolution of red flowers across a monkeyflower radiation.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (5): 293-304
George Shillcock, Francisco Úbeda, Geoff Wild. Vertical transmission does not always lead to benign pathogen-host associations.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (5): 305-314
Laurence J Belcher, Anna E Dewar, Chunhui Hao, Melanie Ghoul, Stuart A West. Signatures of kin selection in a natural population of the bacteria .Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (5): 315-330
Emanuel M Fonseca, Tara A Pelletier, Sydney K Decker, Danielle J Parsons, Bryan C Carstens. Pleistocene glaciations caused the latitudinal gradient of within-species genetic diversity.Evolution letters. 2023, 7 (5): 331-338