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  • Ronelle Calver, Alan Cudlip, Clark R Dickerson, Prosanta Mondal, Scotty Butcher, Soo Y Kim. A comparison of isometric and isokinetic normalization methods for electromyographic data from sub-regions of supraspinatus and infraspinatus during dynamic tasks. International biomechanics. 2023, 10 (1): 1-9
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  • Harsh H Buddhadev, David N Suprak, Kamile H Jordan, Angelo Hynds. Walking in high-heel shoes induces redistribution of joint power and work. International biomechanics. 2023, 10 (1): 10-17
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  • Sabrina Otmani, Guilhem Michon, Bruno Watier. Use of adult anthropometric tables to estimate children body segment inertial parameters. International biomechanics. 2023, 10 (1): 18-28
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  • Françoise Kayser, Edoardo Bori, Sophie Fourny, Fanny Hontoir, Peter Clegg, Alexandra Dugdale, Jean-Michel Vandeweerd, Bernardo Innocenti. Ex vivo study correlating the stiffness of the ovine patellar tendon to age and weight. International biomechanics. 2022, 9 (1): 1-9
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  • Mickael Fonseca, Stéphane Armand, Raphaël Dumas. An analytical model to quantify the impact of the propagation of uncertainty in knee joint angle computation. International biomechanics. 2022, 9 (1): 10-18
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  • Akira Minematsu, Yasue Nishii. Effects of whole body vibration on bone properties in growing rats. International biomechanics. 2022, 9 (1): 19-26
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  • Toni Wendler, Benjamin Fischer, Alexander Brand, Martin Weidling, Johannes Fakler, Dirk Zajonz, Georg Osterhoff. Biomechanical testing of different fixation techniques for intraoperative proximal femur fractures: a technical note. International biomechanics. 2022, 9 (1): 27-32
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  • Christopher K Wong, Emily E Vandervort, Kayla M Moran, Carly M Adler, Stanford T Chihuri, Gregory A Youdan. Walking asymmetry and its relation to patient-reported and performance-based outcome measures in individuals with unilateral lower limb loss. International biomechanics. 2022, 9 (1): 33-41
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  • Lorenza Mattei, Miriam Di Fonzo, Stefano Marchetti, Francesca Di Puccio. A quantitative and non-invasive vibrational method to assess bone fracture healing: a clinical case study. International biomechanics. 2021, 8 (1): 1-13
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  • Stuart C Millar, John B Arnold, Lucian B Solomon, Dominic Thewlis, François Fraysse. Development and evaluation of a method to define a tibial coordinate system through the fitting of geometric primitives. International biomechanics. 2021, 8 (1): 12-18
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  • Bart Van Trigt, Liset W Vliegen, Ton Ajr Leenen, DirkJan Hej Veeger. The ulnar collateral ligament loading paradox between in-vitro and in-vivo studies on baseball pitching (narrative review). International biomechanics. 2021, 8 (1): 19-29
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  • Yumeng Li, Ting Liu, Carrie E Venuti. Development of postural stability in children with autism spectrum disorder: a cross-sectional study. International biomechanics. 2021, 8 (1): 54-62
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  • J Hausselle, A G Haddox, J Kasitz, A Azoug. An interventional exploratory study to assess the effect of footwear on postural stability and strategy during quiet standing. International biomechanics. 2021, 8 (1): 63-74
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