LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Translational Sports Medicine
Devon A Dobrosielski, Karla Kubitz, Hyunjeong Park, Susheel P Patil, Christopher Papandreou. The effects of exercise training on vascular function among overweight adults with obstructive sleep apnea.Translational sports medicine. 2021, 4 (5): 606-616
Martin Halle, Wilhelm Bloch, Andreas M Niess, Hans-Georg Predel, Claus Reinsberger, Jürgen Scharhag, Jürgen Steinacker, Bernd Wolfarth, Johannes Scherr, Josef Niebauer. Exercise and sports after COVID-19-Guidance from a clinical perspective.Translational sports medicine. 2021, 4 (3): 310-318
Andrey Nezhentsev, Roxanna E Abhari, Mathew J Baldwin, Jolet Y Mimpen, Edyta Augustyniak, Mark Isaacs, Pierre-Alexis Mouthuy, Andrew J Carr, Sarah J B Snelling. evaluation of the response of human tendon-derived stromal cells to a novel electrospun suture for tendon repair.Translational sports medicine. 2021, 4 (3): 409-418
Milena Tomovic, Lana Krzman. Sport and exercise participation in time of Covid-19-A narrative review of medical and health perspective.Translational sports medicine. 2021, 4 (2): 159-162
Wiley Barton, Owen Cronin, Isabel Garcia-Perez, Ronan Whiston, Elaine Holmes, Trevor Woods, Catherine B Molloy, Michael G Molloy, Fergus Shanahan, Paul D Cotter, Orla O'Sullivan. The effects of sustained fitness improvement on the gut microbiome: A longitudinal, repeated measures case-study approach.Translational sports medicine. 2021, 4 (2): 174-192
Miguel Á de la Cámara, Augusto Jiménez-Fuente, Ana I Pardos-Sevilla. Confinement time due to the COVID-19 disease: An opportunity to promote and engage people in regular physical exercise?Translational sports medicine. 2021, 4 (1): 3-5
Andrew L Sprague, Daniel Awokuse, Ryan T Pohlig, Daniel H Cortes, Karin Grävare Silbernagel. Relationship between mechanical properties (shear modulus and viscosity), age, and sex in uninjured Achilles tendons.Translational sports medicine. 2020, 3 (4): 321-327
Jennifer A Zellers, Annelie Brorsson, Karin Grävare Silbernagel. Impact of seated and standing positions on triceps surae muscle activation in unilateral Achilles tendon rupture.Translational sports medicine. 2020, 3 (1): 3-8
Patrick Corrigan, Daniel H Cortes, Karin Grävare Silbernagel. Immediate effect of photobiomodulation therapy on Achilles tendon morphology and mechanical properties: an exploratory study.Translational sports medicine. 2019, 2 (4): 164-172
Camille R Brightwell, Melissa M Markofski, Tatiana Moro, Christopher S Fry, Craig Porter, Elena Volpi, Blake B Rasmussen. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improves skeletal muscle quality in older adults.Translational sports medicine. 2019, 2 (3): 109-119
Matthew P Mead, Jonathan P Gumucio, Tariq M Awan, Christopher L Mendias, Kristoffer B Sugg. Pathogenesis and Management of Tendinopathies in Sports Medicine.Translational sports medicine. 2018, 1 (1): 5-13