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  • Stephanie Tuminello, Emelie Nguyen, Nedim Durmus, Ramazan Alptekin, Muhammed Yilmaz, Maria Cecilia Crisanti, Matija Snuderl, Yu Chen, Yongzhao Shao, Joan Reibman, Emanuela Taioli, Alan A Arslan. World Trade Center Exposure, DNA Methylation Changes, and Cancer: A Review of Current Evidence. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 1
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  • Dustin J Van Hofwegen, Carolyn J Hovde, Scott A Minnich. Comparison of DNA Methylation at Ambient and Host Temperatures. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 1
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  • Samantha B Peeters, Bronwyn J Posynick, Carolyn J Brown. Out of the Silence: Insights into How Genes Escape X-Chromosome Inactivation. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 1
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  • Rowshan Ara Islam, Charalampos Rallis. Correction: Islam, R.A.; Rallis, C. Ribosomal Biogenesis and Heterogeneity in Development, Disease, and Aging. 2023, , 17. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 0
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  • Corinne Kaufmann, Anton Wutz. IndiSPENsable for X Chromosome Inactivation and Gene Silencing. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 1
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  • Veronica Barcelona, Sameera Abuaish, Seonjoo Lee, Sarah Harkins, Ashlie Butler, Benjamin Tycko, Andrea A Baccarelli, Kate Walsh, Catherine E Monk. Stress and DNA Methylation of Blood Leukocytes among Pregnant Latina Women. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 0
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  • Fani Konstantinidou, Martina Placidi, Giovanna Di Emidio, Liborio Stuppia, Carla Tatone, Valentina Gatta, Paolo Giovanni Artini. Maternal MicroRNA Profile Changes When LH Is Added to the Ovarian Stimulation Protocol: A Pilot Study. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 1
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  • Georgios Androutsopoulos, Ioanna Styliara, Evgenia Zarogianni, Nadia Lazurko, George Valasoulis, Georgios Michail, Georgios Adonakis. The ErbB Signaling Network and Its Potential Role in Endometrial Cancer. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 5
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  • Ekaterina D Griazeva, Daria M Fedoseeva, Elizaveta I Radion, Pavel V Ershov, Ivan O Meshkov, Alexandra V Semyanihina, Anna S Makarova, Valentin V Makarov, Vladimir S Yudin, Anton A Keskinov, Sergey A Kraevoy. Current Approaches to Epigenetic Therapy. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 1
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  • Bowen Yan, Qingchen Yuan, Olga A Guryanova. Epigenetic Mechanisms in Hematologic Aging and Premalignant Conditions. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (4):
    Cited : 2
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  • Majid Nikpay. Multiomics Data Analysis Identified CpG Sites That Mediate the Impact of Smoking on Cardiometabolic Traits. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (3):
    Cited : 0
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  • Fallon Gallimore, Tamer E Fandy. Therapeutic Applications of Azanucleoside Analogs as DNA Demethylating Agents. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (3):
    Cited : 2
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  • Dylan Wrede, Mika Bordak, Yeabtsega Abraham, Masfique Mehedi. Pulmonary Pathogen-Induced Epigenetic Modifications. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (3):
    Cited : 2
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  • Fátima Duarte-Aké, Rosa Us-Camas, Clelia De-la-Peña. Epigenetic Regulation in Heterosis and Environmental Stress: The Challenge of Producing Hybrid Epigenomes to Face Climate Change. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (3):
    Cited : 3
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  • Svetlana Salamaikina, Vitaly Korchagin, Ekaterina Kulabukhova, Konstantin Mironov, Vera Zimina, Alexey Kravtchenko, Vasily Akimkin. Association of Toll-Like Receptor Gene Polymorphisms with Tuberculosis in HIV-Positive Participants. Epigenomes. 2023, 7 (3):
    Cited : 1
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