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Published By Taylor & Francis Group

  • Giuseppe Legname. Copper coordination modulates prion conversion and infectivity in mammalian prion proteins. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 1-6
    Cited : 3
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  • Yuki Muroga, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hiroki Mukai, Jun Hashiba, Hajime Yokota, Katsuya Satoh, Tetsuyuki Kitamoto, Jiaqi Wang, Shoichi Ito, Satoshi Kuwabara. Cerebral cortex swelling in V180I genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: comparative imaging study between sporadic and V180I genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the early stage. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 105-110
    Cited : 1
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  • Tajamul H Mir, Parvaiz A Zargar, Alok Sharma, Bushra Jabeen, Shephali Sharma, M Omar Parvaiz, Sabah Bashir, Reem Javeed. Post COVID-19 AA amyloidosis of the kidneys with rapidly progressive renal failure. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 111-115
    Cited : 3
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  • Jessy A Slota, Xinzhu Wang, Diana Lusansky, Sarah J Medina, Stephanie A Booth. Differentiated cultures of an immortalized human neural progenitor cell line do not replicate prions despite PrP overexpression. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 116-132
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  • Chi-Ting Chung, Tun Jao, Jen-Jen Su. Anti-recoverin antibody positive Heidenhain variant CJD: a case report. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 133-137
    Cited : 1
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  • Honami Kawai, Taiki Matsubayashi, Takanori Yokota, Nobuo Sanjo. Serial changes in regional cerebral blood flow in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease caused by a Pro-to-Leu mutation at codon 105 in the prion protein gene. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 138-140
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  • Dong-Lin Liang, Qi Shi, Kang Xiao, Ruhan A, Wei Zhou, Xiao-Ping Dong. Two Chinese patients of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease with a S97N mutation in gene. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 141-144
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  • Amritha Mallikarjun, Ben Swartz, Sarah A Kane, Michelle Gibison, Isabella Wilson, Amanda Collins, Madison B Moore, Ila Charendoff, Julie Ellis, Lisa A Murphy, Tracy Nichols, Cynthia M Otto. Canine detection of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in laboratory and field settings. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 16-28
    Cited : 5
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  • Jianshe Wei, Gilbert Ho, Eliezer Masliah, Makoto Hashimoto. Differential involvement of amyloidogenic evolvability in oligodendropathies; Multiple Sclerosis and Multiple System Atrophy. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 29-34
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  • Inga Zerr. Prion2022-pushing the boundaries. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 35-36
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  • Zeran Chen, Junjun Guo, Ningjing Ran, Yujia Zhong, Fang Yang, Honghui Sun. A family with mental disorder as the first symptom finally confirmed with Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease with P102L mutation in PRNP gene - case report. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 37-43
    Cited : 1
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  • Adeniyi C Adeola, Semiu F Bello, Abdussamad M Abdussamad, Akanbi I Mark, Oscar J Sanke, Anyebe B Onoja, Lotanna M Nneji, Nasiru Abdullahi, Sunday C Olaogun, Lawal D Rogo, Godwin F Mangbon, Shamsudeen L Pedro, Manasseh P Hiinan, Muhammad M Mukhtar, Jebi Ibrahim, Hayatu Saidu, Philip M Dawuda, Rukayya K Bala, Hadiza L Abdullahi, Adebowale E Salako, Samia Kdidi, Mohamed Habib Yahyaoui, Ting-Ting Yin. Polymorphism of prion protein gene (PRNP) in Nigerian sheep. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 44-54
    Cited : 1
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  • Patricia Soto, Garrett M Gloeb, Kaitlin A Tsuchida, Austin A Charles, Noah M Greenwood, Heidi Hendrickson. Insight into the conserved structural dynamics of the C-terminus of mammal PrPC identifies structural core and possible structural role of pharmacological chaperones. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 55-66
    Cited : 1
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  • Gregory D Sweetland, Connor Eggleston, Jason C Bartz, Candace K Mathiason, Anthony E Kincaid. Expression of the cellular prion protein by mast cells in the human carotid body. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 67-74
    Cited : 1
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  • Anthony Ness, Judd Aiken, Debbie McKenzie. Sheep scrapie and deer rabies in England prior to 1800. Prion. 2023, 17 (1): 7-15
    Cited : 2
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